Plowhaus Artist Coop and Gallery East presents...
The 7th Annual Celebration of
El Dia de los Muertos* - The Day of The Dead
(show image created by Julie Sola)
Gallery East
1008c Woodland St. (Behind the Alley Cat) Nashville, TN 37206
Opening Reception * Thursday October 23 , 2008 * 6:00p.m.-10:00p.m.
Public and Trick or Treaters invited
(Nashville, TN) - The Plowhaus Artists' Cooperative proudly returns to East Nashville for the 7th Annual Celebration of Dia de los Muertos* October 23rd thru November 2nd. (schedule below & on the web site www.plowhaus.org)
The Day of the Dead opening reception at Gallery East will be held Thursday evening, October 23rd, from 6 to 10pm to honor this ancient and beautiful tradition. The reception will feature traditional and non-traditional Day of the Dead Art.
*Throughout the month of October, families and villages across Mexico prepare for Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead. On these days at the cusp of October and November, those who have died are remembered and their spirits are welcomed back for a yearly visit. Handmade altars, special food and drink, parades and plays, skull-shaped confections and toys, and gravesite visits and vigils celebrate the lives of the deceased.
Connie Knock, Carri Hofaker, John Holland, Franne Lee , Tiffany Denton, Nieves Uhl, Julie Sola, Janet Lee, Ayjey, Curt Perkins, Willow Fort, Andee Rudloff, Audra Ladd, Kevin Brock, Sarah E. Fowler, Chris Stevens, Lindsay Black, Tracy Ratliff,Joe Silva Jessica Maloan, Shannon Wages, Bethany Taylor, Jennifer Bronstein
Schedule and Times
Thursday Oct. 23rd 6:00p.m.-10:00p.m. Artist Reception - Free and Open to the Public - Cash Bar
Friday Oct. 24 6pm to 2am $5 cover charge - music DJ/ Bands, Cash Bar
Saturday Oct. 25 11:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Free and Open to the Public
Saturday Oct 25 6:00p.m.- 2:00a.m. $5 cover charge - music DJ/ Bands, Cash Bar
Sunday Oct. 26 12:00p.m.- 4:00p.m. Free and Open to the Public
Fri NIGHT Oct. 31 Halloween (Pub Crawl) 7 to 2am DJ/Bands Free and Open to the Public - Cash Bar Costume Contest 10:00p.m. with prizes
Saturday Nov. 1 11:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Free and Open to the Public .
Sunday Nov. 2 12:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Free and Open to the Public
Plowhaus Artist Coop at Gallery East