Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Murals with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee

The Bonnaroo Works Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee awarded Big Brothers Big Sisters a grant to fund the creation and painting of two murals sharing the spirit and mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Regional artist Andee Rudloff worked with the youth and their mentors to gather drawings and ideas for the two murals. She created the mural design and a group of Big Brothers Big Sisters participants painted and completed them.  The murals will be displayed in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee main office on 1704 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville.

For the past five years, The Bonnaroo Works Fund has supported regional and national organizations with the mission of making communities healthy in areas of the arts, education, and environmental sustainability, with the goal of local reinvestment and asset building for the communities where they live, work, and play.

Providing services to all of Middle Tennessee, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee served 1,513 children in 2014. 

Enjoy the video created by Halle Rudloff of the process here.

Dragon-Hillsboro Village success

Located across the street from the Belcourt Theatre with support from Vanderbilt University and the Hillsboro-West End Neighborhood Association, the mural features new signage lettering and new colors on the dragon. The refresh looks contemporary but both the colors and the lettering are actually Art Deco era meaning the dragon sports colors that were popular in 1920, which is the year Hillsboro Village was established, and the year women earned the right to vote...a bright year for pioneers! #dostuff
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