The Nashville Scene's "Best of Nashville"
Best Art Community Energizer
Andee Rudloff
Andee FREE* T-shirts AVAILABLE (size Large ONLY)
T-shirt Image by Karen Edgin
Possibly one of the busiest artists in town, Andee Rudloff is more common at the city's art functions than Merlot. Even while working as educator for outreach at the Frist Center and regularly collaborating with artists in Nashville and Bowling Green, Ky., she not only manages to attend all the local openings but also seems inexhaustibly available for questions, thoughts and inspiration. Rudloff's attitude is as energizing for her peers as the dynamic hues in her colorful paintings. Now if she'll just take a breath. -AMANDA DILLINGHAM
*-The t-shirt is free, but shipping is $3.50 per t-shirt.
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