2009 National Convention. The NAEA National Convention is an annual conference providing substantive professional development services that include the advancement of knowledge in all sessions, events, and activities for the purpose of improving visual arts instruction in American schools. As such, it is the world's largest art education convention.
The five-day convention includes over 1,000 participatory workshops, panels, seminars for job-alike groups . . . research reports, discussions, exhibits, and tours . . . keynote addresses by world-acclaimed educators, artists, researchers, and scholars . . . with the opportunity to connect with your colleagues from all over the world. Each year some 140-200 exhibitor booths displaying the latest art textbooks, high-tech software, prints, slides, curriculum materials, equipment, and programs, as well as the latest studio and art history media are made available for examination and review to art educator delegates. It is a professional development opportunity to update yourself on the vista of state-of-the-art materials to advance visual art instruction in your program.
Thanks to the Tennessee Arts Commission, Andee will be attending the 2009 conference!!!
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